Docker API

Le client Docker (les commandes docker en ligne de commmande) communique avec le moteur Docker (Docker Engine) en utilisant une API. Plutôt que de passer par le client, on peut directement lancer des requêtes au moteur Docker en utilisant l’API. Pour ce faire, on utilise des requêtes HTTP passant par un socket UNIX, /var/run/docker.sock.

Effectuer des requêtes



GET /containers/json                             List containers
POST /containers/create?name=(name)              Create a container
GET /containers/(id or name)/json                Inspect a container
GET /containers/(id or name)/top                 List processes running in a container
GET /containers/(id or name)/logs                Get container logs
GET /containers/(id or name)/changes             Inspect changes on a container's filesystem
GET /containers/(id or name)/export              Export a container
GET /containers/(id or name)/stats               Get container resource usage
POST /containers/(id or name)/resize             Resize a container tty
POST /containers/(id or name)/start              Start a container
POST /containers/(id or name)/stop               Stop a container
POST /containers/(id or name)/restart            Restart a container
POST /containers/(id or name)/kill               Kill a container
POST /containers/(id or name)/update             Update a container
POST /containers/(id or name)/rename             Rename a container
POST /containers/(id or name)/pause              Pause a container
POST /containers/(id or name)/unpause            Unpause a container
POST /containers/(id or name)/attach             Attach to a container
GET /containers/(id or name)/attach/ws           Attach to a container (websocket)
POST /containers/(id or name)/wait               Wait until a container stops
DELETE /containers/(id or name)                  Remove a container
HEAD /containers/(id or name)/archive            Retrieve information about files in a container
GET /containers/(id or name)/archive             Get a tr archive of a resource in the container
PUT /containers/(id or name)/archive?path=(path) Upload a tar archive to be extracted to a path in the filesystem of the container
POST /containers/prune                           Delete stopped containers


GET /images/json                                 List images
POST /build                                      Build image from a Dockerfile
POST /images/create                              Create an image by pulling it from the registry
GET /images/(name)/json                          Inspect an image
GET /images/(name)/history                       Get the history of an image
POST /images/(name)/push                         Push an image on the registry
POST /images/(name)/tag                          Tag an image into a repository
DELETE /images/(name)                            Remove an image
GET /images/search?term=(term)                   Search images
POST /images/prune                               Delete unused images
POST /commit?container(id or name)               Create a new image from a container
GET /images/(name)/get                           Get a tarball of an image in a repository
GET /images/get?names=(names)                    Get a tarball of several (or all) images in a repository
POST /images/load                                Load a tarball with a set of images and tags into Docker
GET /distribution/(name)/json                    Get image information from the registry


GET /networks                                    List networks
GET /networks/(id or name)                       Inspect network
DELETE /networks/(id or name)                    Remove a network
POST /networks/create                            Create a network
POST /networks/(id or name)/connect              Connect a container to a network
POST /networks/(id or name)/disconnect           Disconnect a container from a network
POST /networks/prune                             Delete unused networks


GET /volumes                                     List volumes
POST /volumes/create                             Create a volume
GET /volumes/(name)                              Inspect a volume
DELETE /volumes/(name)                           Remove a volume
POST /volumes/prune                              Delete unused volumes


POST /containers/(id or name)/exec               Set up an exec instance in a running container
POST /exec/(id)/start                            Start a previously set up exec instance
POST /exec/(id)/resize                           Resize the tty session used by the exec command
GET /exec/(id)/json                              Inspect the exec command


GET /swarm                                       Inspect swarm
POST /swarm/init                                 Initialize a new swarm
POST /swarm/join                                 Join an existing swarm
POST /swarm/leave                                Leave a swarm
POST /swarm/update?version=(version)             Update a swarm
GET /swarm/unlockey                              Get the unlock key
POST /swarm/unlock                               Unlock a locked manager


GET /nodes                                       List nodes
GET /nodes/(id or name)                          Inspect a node
DELETE /nodes/(id or name)                       Remove a node
POST /nodes/(id)/update                          Update a node


GET /services                                    List services
POST /services/create                            Create a service
DELETE /services/(id or name)                    Remove a service
GET /services/(id or name)                       Inspect a service
POST /services/(id)/update                       Update a service
GET /services/(id)/logs                          Get a service's logs


GET /tasks                                       List tasks
GET /tasks/(id)                                  Inspect a task
GET /tasks/(id)/logs                             Get task logs


GET /secrets                                     List secrets
POST /secrets/create                             Create a secret
GET /secrets/(id)                                Inspect a secret
DELETE /secrets/(id)                             Delete a secret
POST /secrets/(id)/update                        Update a secret


GET /plugins                                     List installed plugins
GET /plugins/privileges?remote=(name)            Get plugin privileges
POST /plugins/pull?remote=(ref)                  Install a plugin
GET /plugins/(name)/json                         Inspect a plugin
POST /plugins/(name)/enable                      Enable a plugin
POST /plugins/(name)/disable                     Disable a plugin
DELETE /plugins/(name)                           Remove a plugin
POST /plugins/(name)/upgrade?remote=(ref)        Upgrade a plugin
POST /plugins/create?name=(name)                 Create a plugin
POST /plugins/(name)/push                        Push a plugin to the registry
POST /plugins/(name)/set                         Configure a plugin


POST /auth                                       Check auth configuration
GET /info                                        Display system-wide information
GET /version                                     Show the Docker version
GET /_ping                                       Ping the Docker server
GET /events                                      Monitor docker's events
GET /system/df                                   Get data usage information


GET /configs                                     List configs
POST /configs/create                             Create a config
GET /configs/(id)                                Inspect a config
DELETE /configs/(id)                             Delete a config
POST /configs/(id)/update                        Update a a config

Docker Engine API (v1.30)